Laboratory & Cleanroom Furniture

Docklands systems offer various types of laboratory and cleanroom products. These are designed to fit your buildings layout, manufactured in-house and installed by our own staff. We specialise in lab benching, tables, cupboards, step over benching and washroom panelling.

Some of the products we have previously produced are:

  • Trespa topped steel framed benching. Both fixed and mobile.
  • Laminate faced washed stations
  • Sink units
  • Cupboard units
  • Storage cupboards
  • Step over boxes
  • Step over benches
  • Washroom panels

Contact us now and we can discuss what you require and arrange a survey to be held at a convenient time.


School Science UnitsSchool Science Laboratory Furniture and Work Stations
Cleanroom and Lab CupboardsLaboratory Cupboards
Cleanroom and Lab Tables
Hygienic Laboratory Tables
Cleanroom and Lab Sink Unit
Laboratory Sink Unit
Cleanroom and Lab Units
Laboratory Units
Cleanroom and Lab Step Over Benches
Cleanroom Step Over Bench
Cleanroom and Lab Trolley
Hygienic Cleanroom Trolley
Cleanroom and Lab Toilet Panelling
Washroom Panelling
Cleanroom and Lab Storage
Cleanroom Storage

We mostly supply Cambridge, Essex & London, however we can also service throughout the UK & Ireland.

Please contact us to discuss what we can design, manufacture or install for you.

Tel. 01440 - 704777
Fax. 01440 - 704999